Artist: Jalal Luqman, Mohamed Kanoo, Sumayyah Al Suwaidi, Fayza Mubarak & Amina Rizk
Exhibition Title: Ramadan Silent Bidding Auction
Exhibition Date:07/09/2008
On the occasion of the holy month of ramadan The Ghaf Art Gallery is proud to invite you to an interesting exhibtion featuring the art of Jalal Luqman, Mohamed Kanoo, Sumayyah Al Suwaidi, Fayza Mubarak & Amina Rizk.And as expected from this group of well established artists, the paintings will have a variety of moods and styles all of which have been the signature of each individual artist, Amina Rizk Al Haskouri, will exhibit her magical Ghutras and Burgas in her unique style, Mohamed Kanoo, takes us back to the pop art era with his nostalgic collection of bright colors whipped together with hidden and secret messages within each.Fayza Mubarak, showing her book art, which redefines the term "you know a book by it's Cover"Sumayyah Al Suwaidi weaving her images together to dazzle us with worlds of sentiment and romance.Jalal Luqman, taking us on cerebral journeys through his deep often dark worlds of digital art.The exhibition is an opportunity to revisit your favorite artists and have the chance to own a unique original work of art at a special Ramadan price.The auction will be conducted by having a sheet of paper hung beside every painting with the starting bidding price and the immediate buying price for people who don't want to wait.The works that will be displayed are so dynamic and various that every person who will attend the auction will surely find a piece of art that talks to him/her.
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Ghaf Art Gallery
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Fax: +9712-6655292
P.O.Box: 42366
Abu Dhabi, UAE